"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step", Lao Tzu.
It needn’t be one giant leap. Start with baby steps…
When considering a total change in career and starting a new business we can often get paralysed with the enormity of it all.
So many thoughts around;
What if it doesn’t work?
How will I manage with a potential drop in income?
What if I hate it?
What if I’m no good at it?
It’s a huge investment, is it worth the risk?
…and on it goes....
These are all entirely normal thoughts and I have heard them in numerous guises over the years.
The key here is to quieten down those thoughts and reduce the fear.
I’m going to share with you some of the ways I do this with my clients.
First of all, take stock of your current situation and how you feel about it. The chances are that if you are considering something new, you are feeling unfulfilled or unhappy where you are now. It may be that you have an “itch to scratch”.
Talk to your friends and family about what you are thinking of doing. Often they know you best and can help you with some of your thoughts and fears around making that change. They can also provide you with great insight - and both challenge and inspire you.
Once you have the seeds of an idea, talk to people doing similar things who can share their experiences with you and give you a feel for what it is like to work in that particular field or industry.
Do some research online and gather as much information as possible about this new path and what you might need to do in order to get there.
Finally, and I’ve done this myself, reach out to some of the big players and see if they would be willing to have a chat and perhaps help you along the way. When I did this, not only were they willing to give me advice, but they invited me to attend a two day masterclass - for free, and set up a meeting with a client who worked in the industry. You’ll find that there are some amazingly kind and giving people out there!
With all of this awareness and information you’ll begin to understand whether this is the right move for you and reduce some of that fear and paralysis.
Remember no need for a giant leap…just baby steps.