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Embracing Guilt-Free Rest for Increased Productivity

Judith Fine

woman laying on grass

As professional women in midlife, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of productivity, striving to balance demanding careers with personal responsibilities. The pressure to constantly perform can be overwhelming, leading to burnout and decreased overall effectiveness. 

Enter the Reitoff Principle, a clever play on the phrase "write-off", coined by productivity expert Ali Abdaal. It advocates for setting aside time to be unproductive, allowing ourselves to fully engage in leisure activities without the nagging guilt of pending tasks. 

The "great breakup" phenomenon – where mid-career women are leaving their positions or even entire careers due to lack of flexibility and support in the workplace – highlights the urgent need for better work-life balance strategies. Rest is a crucial part of that.

So how can we embrace the Reitoff Principle?

Sometimes, our bodies and minds signal the need for rest before we've had a chance to plan for it. The signals could be;

⭐Decreased concentration and productivity

⭐Increased irritability or emotional reactivity

⭐Physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue

⭐Feeling overwhelmed by routine tasks

When you notice any of these, take the following steps;

  1. Review your immediate obligations. Can any be rescheduled or delegated? 

  2. Inform those around you about your need for a brief respite. Be honest but firm, for example: "I need to take the afternoon off to recharge. I'll be back at full capacity tomorrow."

  3. Once you've decided to take an impromptu Reitoff, commit to it fully. Resist the urge to check emails or engage in work-related activities.

  4. Focus on activities that truly refresh you. Listen to your body and mind – perhaps a nap is what you need most.

And most importantly, do NOT feel guilty!


⭐ Rest is productive. Your brain remains active even when you're "doing nothing," often leading to creative solutions and insights.

⭐You're modelling healthy behaviour. By prioritising your well-being, you're setting a positive example for colleagues and family members.

⭐ Quality over quantity. A well-rested you will likely accomplish more in less time when you return to work.

So next time you are feeling exhausted and unproductive, remember that sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing at all.


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